Work With Us

Helping The World Become Trauma Informed With Next-Generation Solutions to Improve Mental Health and Wellbeing.


Trauma informed workplaces prioritise employee wellbeing and psychological safety. Our workshops equip leaders and teams with the knowledge and tools to recognise and respond to trauma, creating a culture of support, resilience, and enhanced productivity.

The Benefits Of Implementing Trauma Informed Awareness And Positive Psychology Practices In Workplaces:



Less Absenteeism &


Improved Performance & Efficiency

Increase In


Improved Staff


Improved Workplace


Increase In

Psychological Safety

Greater Staff Satisfaction & Retention

Public Sector Organisations

Our workshops enable public sector professionals to provide trauma-informed care and support, from healthcare to social services. By understanding trauma's pervasive impact, organisations can better serve their communities and promote healing and resilience.

The Benefits Of Implementing Trauma Informed Awareness And Positive Psychology Practices In Public Sector Organisations:

Enhanced service

delivery and community support

improved client outcomes

and satisfaction

Reduced burnout

and turnover

Greater understanding and empathy for clients' experiences

Increased staff resilience and wellbeing

More effective crisis intervention and


Stronger relationships

and trust within

the community

Contribution to a more

trauma-informed society

Trauma Unlocking™ Workbook

Work with us 1:1 to kickstart your own healing journey.

Learn to uncover and understand the trauma stored in your body so you can live a happier, healthier life.

Our 1:1 coaching system integrates Internal Family Systems, beliefs, communication styles, attachment styles, dreamlog, nervous system mapping, parts mapping, and more.

The Benefits Of Working With A Trauma Informed Coach:

Greater resilience

Improved self-awareness

Improved relationships

Increased productivity

Taking care of mental health is not a luxury -

but a necessity.

By prioritising our mental health and wellbeing and seeking support when needed, we can create a ripple effect of healing that touches every aspect of our lives. 

Whether you're an individual looking to embark on your own healing journey or a school or organisation seeking to create a more trauma-informed environment, we're here to support you. 

Take the first step today and contact us to learn more about how our workshops and coaching services can help you unlock your full potential and create lasting, positive change. 

Remember, mental health is not a life sentence, and you don't have to do it alone.

Unlock Your Trauma Informed Journey

Download our free brochure to learn how trauma informed practices can transform your school, workplace, or organisation.